18 februarie 2025

7 ani in Tibet. Sau prin apropiere

Un ziarist chinez a fost condamnat la 7 ani de inchisoare pentru santaj de presa.

Meng Huaihu, 43, former head of the Zhejiang branch of China Industrial and Commercial Times, was convicted of extorting 630,000 yuan (80,400 U.S. dollars) from an auto dealer, a construction firm and a petrol company.

The people’s court in Shangcheng district, Hangzhou, the provincial capital, said Meng attempted to extort 3.73 million yuan between 2001 and 2003, but was only able to collect 630,000 yuan. Sursa

Omul a fost arestat in decembrie trecut. In mai anul acesta, Administratia de Stat a Presei si Publicatiilor (!!!!) a anuntat ca alti trei ziaristi au fost arestati sub aceeasi acuzatie.

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