sâmbătă, decembrie 14, 2024

Vande Mataram

„Vande Mataram” was the national cry for freedom from British oppression during the freedom movement. Large rallies, fermenting initially in Bengal, in the major metropolis of Calcutta, would work themselves up into a patriotic fervour by shouting the slogan „Vande Mataram,” or „Hail to the Mother(land)!”. The British, fearful of the potential danger of an incited Indian populace, at one point banned the utterance of the motto in public forums, and imprisoned many freedom fighters for disobeying the proscription. Rabindranath Tagore sang Vande Mataram in 1896 at the Calcutta Congress Session held at Beadon Square.


Ma gandeam doar ce sansa ar avea o initiativa similara romaneasca…

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