15 februarie 2025

O teapa

Primesc un e-mail, chipurile de la Yahoo, care-mi zice ca mi s-a suspendat contul:

Dear Yahoo Member,

We have temporarily suspended your email account.

This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An innability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your Yahoo account.

Sincerely,The Yahoo Support Team

Mesajul avea atasat un .zip: important_details.zip.

Il scanez si, nici o surpriza: virus gasit:

File name: important_details.zip
File size: 31kb
File type: application/octet-stream
Scan result: Virus „W32.Mytob.FI@mm” found.

The file attached to this message was infected with a virus that we were unable to clean. You should not download this attachment.

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